Orders are shipped US Postal Service and are not eligible for free shipping. These orders may take 7-10 working days to deliver after processing. Please note: we do not control delivery time and some APO and FPO orders may require as much as 6-8 weeks.
Shipping quotes given on our website are for UPS only and are not valid for USPS charges. We will calculate correct shipping once order is received and contact you with correct costs. We apologize for any inconvenience.
Duty charges and taxes are the responsibility of the customer and must be paid upon receipt.
Trophy Depot reserves the right to change the carrier that delivers your order to based on the most optimal choice, even if you selected one carrier over another at checkout. Please note that delivery times will still be intact as quoted. Carrier options include USPS, UPS, or FedEx.
Within the Continental U.S. on all prepaid orders over $95.00.
Within the Continental U.S. on all prepaid orders under $95.00 for only $12.97